Summit Prevention Alliance

Summit Prevention Alliance in Summit County, Colorado, had received a grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and, using a social norms approach, wanted to develop a designated driver campaign targeting young adult drinkers, both residents and visitors. The perception was that designating a non-drinking driver was not common, when in fact, a key survey statistic indicated that 4 out of 5 young adults in Summit County actually WERE designating a non-drinking driver.

To publicize that point, SHiFT created a tongue-in-cheek campaign around the concept of “everyone’s doing it”. Summit County restaurants and bars were given posters, drink coasters, and over-sized buttons for servers to wear; local newspapers ran ads. And use was made of two more unusual tactics: a talking Wizmark in the men’s restrooms, and electronic message signs for the women’s restrooms.

The positive information and encouragement was well received, and the use of the Wizmark and electronic signs generated a lot of buzz and campaign awareness.

SERVICES: Campaign theme and strategy, design and production of branded campaign materials